24 octubre, 2021

Patricia Álvarez de los Cobos

A Regal and Visionary Woman The 2020 Census revealed that in California the Hispanic population represents for the first time a majority; in San Diego, one in three inhabitants is Hispanic.  Hispanics are a loud and clear voice that not only contributes financially but highlights our culture and values.  One such pioneer of the Latino legacy is Patricia Alvarez de […]
24 octubre, 2021

In Her Shoes Paloma Aguirre

In honor of the summer and its last few days, we reached for the beach in this edition of In Her Shoes. What a great surprise the sand had for us as we met up with Hon. Paloma Aguirre, Councilwoman of the City of Imperial Beach. With an amazing bright smile and a beautiful authentic Mexican attire she greeted us […]
24 octubre, 2021

Latinas Night Out: Shaking it with Shake & Muddle

Dare to feel a pulse? Dive into the heart of Chula Vista at Shake & Muddle, a fusion-cocktail mixology bar and homestyle eatery. Experience the sweet, savory, tart, boozy and spicy uniquely crafted cocktails alongside ambrosial appetizers, plates to share and comfort foods. Live nightly music from local artists, fire pits, happy hour, steaming sports games with heated indoor and […]
10 diciembre, 2021

Lanzamiento de chulavistatoday.com el nuevo sitio online de noticias locales

By: Horacio Renteria CHULA VISTA, CA.- Chula Vista, una ciudad que se fundó el 28 de noviembre de 1911 y que se encuentra a 15 millas de Tijuana, México, tiene –de acuerdo con las cifras más actualizadas de la Oficina del Censo, 268 mil 920 habitantes, con más del 60% de origen hispano. Con una tasa de desempleo del 6.6% […]
10 diciembre, 2021

Taking good care of yourself

Now that you’ve made the decision to begin your journey to recovery, below are some tools to aid you in the process. Identifying tools and developing plans will help you be more prepared and empowered to take action when it comes to your recovery. Here are  Working Toward Goals People in recovery offer the following suggestions: Focus on your strengths. […]
10 diciembre, 2021

Adornos navideños que harán tu hogar un espacio con glamour

Esta Navidad dale personalidad y estilo a tu casa con estos fabulosos adornos navideños. ¡Manos a la obra! Árbol de navidad en la pared ¿Poco espacio, pero muchas ganas de celebrar las Fiestas? Este original árbol de Navidad en la pared y con fotos es muy fácil de hacer, sólo tienes que imprimir tus fotos favoritas y colocarlas en una […]