8 mayo, 2019

Día de las madres ¿Por qué celebramos su día?

El día de las madres es un día para homenajear a las mamás y también para honrar a cualquier figura materna que esté en tu vida. Si bien hoy la vivimos como una fecha fuertemente comercial, sus orígenes no tienen que ver con esos intereses. La historia se remonta a muchos si- glos atrás, cuando se homenajeaba a la mujer […]
8 mayo, 2019

A Very Special Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! Moms, Grandmothers, Step-mothers, Foster Mothers and Mothers-in-Law! Being a mom is more than giving birth- although that in itself should earn us some kind of Nobel Prize if you ask me. The happiness, the joy, the laughter as well as the tears, the fear, the stress and the sleepless nights that go on […]
8 mayo, 2019

«My Mami»

May is always a month of happiness and reflection for me. Remembering my mother always brings me mixed emotions. I am grateful that I was with her in her last days, but it’s also a time of guilt. I left my country and my biological mother at the age of 13 when I was adopted by my aunt and came to San Diego. We […]
9 mayo, 2019

Meet Raquel and Doris Bessudo of Mexican Dynasties

The Bravo TV channel, owned by NBC, is known for it’s over the top reality shows. These shows include The Real Wives of Beverly Hills, etc. The shows portray the everyday trials and tribulations of wealthy women and their families. Now, Bravo has decided to expand that repertoire with a show on three prominent families from Mexico City. This new […]
9 mayo, 2019

El Latino nuestra publicación hermana te regala 100 boletos para Celebrando Latinas con Yalitza Aparicio como invitada especial

Durante el mes de mayo El Latino rifará 100 boletos para que asistas a Celebrando Latinas. Busca el primer cupón con una pregunta sobre Yalitza Aparicio, invitada especial a la conferencia de este año, en total serán 5 cupones con 5 preguntas,  las reglas aparecen en la edición de esta semana. #ellatino #ellatinosd #celebrandolatinasmagazine #celebrandolatinas #yalitzaapariciomtz Para más detalles visita […]
10 mayo, 2019

Celebrando Latinas and GOYA invite you to participate in «Celebrando con Goya en tu cocina», a video recipe contest

Celebrando Latinas and GOYA invite you to participate in «Celebrando con Goya en tu cocina», a video recipe contest. The winners will receive awards during Celebrando Latinas 2019, at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront on July 27th. The prizes are:First place: $500Second place: $250Third place: $100Fourth place will receive an honorable mention, a GOYA gift basket and an apron. Put […]