23 enero, 2021

Cómo elegir una casa de cuidados o ‘Caregivers home’

¿Cuándo utilizar los servicios de una casa de cuidados? El primer impulso es atenderlos en el hogar, para que sientan el cuidado y el amor de la familia. Pero conforme el tiempo pasa, esos cuidados muchas veces se vuelven imposibles de proporcionar, debido a la gravedad de la persona y la falta de entrenamiento de los cuidadores. Ahí es donde entran […]
23 enero, 2021

Self-care has never been more important

Clinicians, researchers, professors and other psychologists need to continue to prioritize self-care Even with the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, psychologists, like the rest of the world, are still adjusting to a new normal: working from home, managing child care, worrying about older family members and wondering what comes next. “We have all of these concerns ourselves, […]
24 enero, 2021

Rutina para conseguir unas piernas perfectas

Estos ejercicios de piernas para mujeres puedes hacerlos en casa o en el gimnasio, según te convenga. Es exigente pero asequible. Y la puedes adaptar a tu estado de forma actual para crecer como deportista con ella. Sentadillas clásicas, un ejercicio imprescindible en una rutina de piernas para mujeres: Cualquier rutina de piernas y glúteos para mujer en el gym […]
25 enero, 2021

Nora Vargas : The Power of Focus

How does a person become limitless? How does a woman become a leader? How can an immigrant Latina have an indelible impact on her community? Nora Vargas has a humble beginning, but not a humble ambition. She has made it her life’s work to lift women up and to make sure everyone has access to the opportunities our country offers. […]
25 enero, 2021

New beginnings

Last year with the start of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, life changed us; nobody imagined that we were so vulnerable, I remember well the date the quarantine was declared it was Wednesday, March 11, and we were forced to work from home, our children to study at a distance, and everything was new.  We were afraid, and we did […]
25 enero, 2021

Nora Vargas as she hit the ground running…

Every New Year brings with it a host of new resolutions without fail, and one of the most popular ones is to run a marathon or a half-marathon. This edition of In Her Shoes comes with an unexpected pair- County Supervisor Nora Vargas has a collection of high heels and boots that keep up with her remarkably busy schedule between […]