8 mayo, 2019

«My Mami»

May is always a month of happiness and reflection for me. Remembering my mother always brings me mixed emotions. I am grateful that I was with her in her last days, but it’s also a time of guilt. I left my country and my biological mother at the age of 13 when I was adopted by my aunt and came to San Diego. We […]
8 agosto, 2019

It’s my moment

Celebrando Latinas has become the conference many of us wait for all year! “It’s my moment” this year’s theme is the best way to described what many of us are going thru a moment to become aware of it all. Thank you for being here for giving yourself the time to enjoy a day to be pampered and inspired. Through […]
22 septiembre, 2019


Hay momentos en la vida que se tienen presentes en la memoria por un largo tiempo y es así como será para mi la experiencia que vivimos juntas en la novena edición de Celebrando Latinas, la conferencia fue todo un éxito, más 1200 mujeres reunidas en un solo lugar, ¿se imaginan eso? Había tanta energía positiva que el día se […]
5 diciembre, 2019

¡Feliz navidad y próspero 2020!

A mis queridos lectores: Deseo de todo corazón que tengan una navidad hermosa, llena de amor y paz les envio mis mejores deseos a usted y a su familia y los invitó a leer Celebrando Latinas Magazine. En esta ocasión escribimos una historia que nos llego al corazón, Rosalva Vásquez es una activista en la región binacional conocida por el […]
11 febrero, 2020

Women that inspire

Many women have inspired my life, some as mothers others as entrepreneurs, and I have learned a lesson from each one of them. To have the courageto reach your goals no matter the sacrifices you might have to makeis admirable, to understand that we will have opportunities and to know when to take them is important; but knowing how to […]
25 enero, 2021

New beginnings

Last year with the start of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, life changed us; nobody imagined that we were so vulnerable, I remember well the date the quarantine was declared it was Wednesday, March 11, and we were forced to work from home, our children to study at a distance, and everything was new.  We were afraid, and we did […]