18 julio, 2021

In Her Shoes

Alejandra Sotelo Solis ~ Not Afraid to Shine By Jennifer Bustamante Shine Your Light Unapologetically- In a nutshell, this is how Alejandra Sotelo Solis wears her favorite pair of shoes, a shiny pair of vintage inspired pumps that reflect her light inside and out. We met with Alejandra to talk about shoes, heels and the story behind them. She found […]
18 julio, 2021

Women of Power

Ana Sambold : Mediation is Her Superpower By Jennifer Bustamente Ana Sambold is a fiery Latina from Colombia who has a knack for changing people’s lives with her superpower: Mediation. Very few people go through life and escape the inevitability of the judicial system at some point; whether it’s a divorce, a work issue or even a neighbor’s complaint. In […]
18 julio, 2021

Maria E. Garcia – We Made San Diego

Por: Jennifer Bustamante In Greek mythology, Clio is the muse of history, the proclaimer, glorifier and celebrator of great deeds and accomplishments. Clio is daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne, goddess of memory.1  In San Diego we can say Maria E. Garcia is our very own muse, in her new book, We Made San Diego, she recounts the many […]
19 julio, 2021

El color de pelo del verano

Descubre todas las tendencias en coloración que puedes empezar a probar este verano, las hay desde las más naturales hasta las más transgresoras COLOR ROSA  Este año se van a llevar colores más llamativos y diferentes, el rosa es sin duda, uno de ellos. Podrás encontrar varios tonos más brillantes, otro más chicle, pero al final podrás elegir el tono […]
19 julio, 2021

Salma Hayek, superheroína en Hollywood: “A las mujeres nos gusta el cine de acción”

Con un filme de superhéroes y otro de acción, la actriz sigue luchando “con uñas y dientes” por la presencia de latinos y mujeres en Hollywood, un entorno al que le costó aceptar su éxito. Después del parón pandémico, que en su caso ha sido especialmente duro ya que contrajo la enfermedad en un grado importante, a la actriz mexicana […]
23 julio, 2021

LATINAS IN THE LAW, changing the face of justice

We live in exciting times for women as we continue to break the proverbial glass ceiling in every front. When it comes to the justice system we felt the world shake in 2020 with the untimely death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or “the Notorious R.B.G.” as she was known. As only the second woman to serve on the Supreme […]