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31 enero, 2019El Poder está en nuestra voz
31 enero, 2019A Beautiful Stilettos for a Successful Woman
A simple black leather line resting on a golden platform. Josie Flores-Clark shares with us these magnificent Stilettos; they allow her to be the woman she really is, a strong Latina, elegant and oh so very sexy at 58. She shares with us that being in a political profession while rewarding, it can be challenging as well. In this profession, women have to wear the role, be subtle in their image because all eyes are on you. There is no doubt that this beautiful woman can walk the walk with these platforms, she has definitely achieved new heights personally and professionally, overcoming obstacles beyond imagination. She shares with us that growing up poor and homeless in the fields of Calexico, her wardrobe included nothing but hand me downs shared by her siblings. Being able to buy any pair of shoes you want can indeed be very powerful.

In her humble journey she found herself homeless again after a troubled marriage ended, always putting her children first buying shoes such as these was a luxury she could not afford. Working two or three jobs to make it through, always strong and always positive she plowed through as her children grew up. She sees this in other women who are now going through similar challenges, and she is eager to tell them that they can do it, that it is all possible and that she is living proof of that. Today, Josie’s children are happy and successful adults, one of her sons is now a tenured professor at a distinguished university, her beautiful daughter is in college, and Josie has as well established a name for herself in the San Diego political field. These beautiful pumps are no understatement of this successful woman as she stands tall, elegant and sexy every step of the way!
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